DIY GAMES: Clothespins Stem and Leaf Plot (Stemplot)

Clothespins? I have a dryer!

I found myself loving clothespins to match games, and I started just buying a cheap pack of 100 from Walmart for $1.88 plus tax. To make two sets of this game, you need one pack of the clothespins.

Once you buy your clothespins (or take them from the laundry room), make sure you look at them. Some people like to dye them, some people like to write directly on them. I find that when I write on them, the ink smears and it just doesn't look neat. I also like to color code my sets (different colors) in case some pieces get mixed up. For this reason, I would tackle two things at once: print different sets on colored paper (not card stock).
If there is an "ugly side" then I would cover that side with paper (something you cannot do if you just dye them).

If there is a "bad side" I would just use it as a chip clip for around the house; you do not wan't it breaking in a student's hands or worse.. having to reprint the paper just to replace ONE pin!

Are you ready? 
There are only 3 steps (besides cutting):

I know what you are thinking from this picture: ONE DROP DOES A LOT!
Well, I feel that I do not want to spend another 30 minutes making this game, and I do not want them to peel. So, I dabbed some glue and then smeared it. My favorite glue to use is Aleene's "Original Tacky Glue" (it is in that copper color bottle). Make sure you put the answers in the right direction! Otherwise it will be upside down.

If you would like this set (good for two stations or one long station), please go to my TPT page and download the file for free . Give me 5 stars because I'm so awesome, and maybe I will make another how-to page for another game.

Now, you may have played the game on your own and discovered an extra pin!

Hope you had fun! More importantly, I hope your students did, while reviewing/learning stemplots.

If there are any other games you want me to make, let me know! I can sure try! And of course, it will be a free download.

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